Hello?  Is any­body out there?  No?  Well as I’ve most likely oblit­er­ated any fol­low­ing I might have once had on Everyday-Modern by post­ing a ghastly arti­cle about mov­ing out of the heart of the urban core and then promptly tak­ing a seven month hia­tus, I reckon it’s best to just start with a clean slate.  New home, new year, and a slightly re-purposed Everyday-Modern — a rolling stone gath­ers no moss, right?

So what’s this talk about a slightly re-purposed Everyday-Modern?  Well, as I men­tioned last fall, we pur­chased our lit­tle three-bedroom dream house just out­side of the urban core on the cor­ner of hyp­ocrite and get down off your damn soap box.  And here’s the real truth — whilst still main­tain­ing my design ideals that big­ger is not bet­ter, why pay some­one when you can do that your­self, and less is more, I have come to under­stand that those prin­ci­ples can thrive anywhere!

So for all of you hard­core urban­ites (of which I used to count myself one), I may have to woo you with some­thing other than tales of met­ro­pol­i­tan swank.  But please, don’t just write off Everyday-Modern as the sound­ing board for the chardonnay-fueled ram­blings of another des­per­ate sub­ur­ban house­wife.  I can assure you that though I live in a neigh­bor­hood out­side the core, I’ve lost none of my cyn­i­cism, bit­ing wit, or stag­ger­ingly cre­ative ideas on how to make your home beautiful.

So on that note, please take a gan­der at how I have been spend­ing my time for the past six months.  I promise that I have not been idly loung­ing on my chaise eat­ing bon bons and sip­ping fine cham­pagne.  I’ve got a boat­load of arti­cles stored up, and I’m ready to rock this bitch.







