Eames lounger six sev­enty one and two,
Homes once seemed com­plete with­out your leatherly embraces,
And then Charles and Ray man­i­fested thy fur­ni­ture true.
We no seek your hal­lowed sil­hou­ette and strive for your graces,
To achieve our lofty aspi­ra­tions of mod­ern per­fec­tion.
Long gone are the days of tete-a-tete and orna­men­ta­tion,
Replaced with sim­plis­tic min­i­mal­ism and exquis­ite form.
Your time­less beauty stands trib­ute to design­erly intro­spec­tion,
Ever the icon of an era, you main­tain our fas­ci­na­tion,
By rewrit­ing the rules and demand­ing aes­thetic reform.

In bent wal­nut cra­dled leather, do our cares fall aside,
Giv­ing way to bygone mem­o­ries and Eamesly dis­trac­tions.
Await­ing our return home with a loy­alty implied,
Your cush­ion pro­vides a respite from the day’s infrac­tions.
A trib­ute to clas­sic mod­ern, your vis­age bright­ens our homes,
A dec­la­ra­tion of com­mit­ment to per­fect design,
Those in the know bow down before your alu­minum feet.
Enchant­ing us to return from wher­ever we may roam,
To gaze upon they fig­ure and admire thy line,
And rest our weary bod­ies in your agree­able seat.

So dear sweet Eames clas­sic mod­ern lounge chair,
Know your place in this world an in our hearts,
Your cher­ished design a stan­dard against which to com­pare,
And a bea­con that one’s life has come to start.
May your mid-century reign con­tinue on ever aft,
And the sun never set on your time­less ele­gance.
May your design­erly fol­low­ing never dwin­dle,
And your pro­duc­tion stay a time-honored craft.
And above all may your spark, our cre­ativ­ity kin­dle,
And allow Ray and Charles’ spirit to ever­more dance.

Please feel free to repub­lish and share, just give me credit for my work when you do!