Wel­come to Every­day Mod­ern. It is my vision that this site become more than a sim­ple blog that I started due to the appalling lack of truly beau­ti­ful mod­ern design sites that wel­come any and all who have an inter­est, regard­less of their budget.

Mor­ph­ing from a DIY project blog into a guide for sen­sa­tion­ally beau­ti­ful liv­ing within a smaller foot­print, I hope that all who visit can be chal­lenged to shed their pre-conceptions about what one needs to dwell ele­gantly.  No square foot is left un-pondered in my quest to make life and design work within a lit­tle less space.  Though this blog has roots within the urban core and stu­dio apart­ment liv­ing, the same prin­ci­ples carry for­ward now that the guinea pig home in ques­tion is a stag­ger­ing 1200 square feet!

What you won’t find here is how to spend the most money, or fill your home with licensed pieces, but rather, a guide on how to make the most of what you’ve got, and make your apart­ment look like a mil­lion bucks. That’s not to say that I won’t con­done lust­ing after time­less clas­sics like a cer­tain lounge chair that we all know and love – just that it’s not nec­es­sary for your dwelling to look like The Shit.

But I think that’s enough about me for now. If you’ve read this far, thanks for tak­ing an inter­est in who I am and what Every­day Mod­ern is all about. While you’re here, stay awhile and learn a lit­tle bit about why us crazy folk love our small spaces and wouldn’t even think about trad­ing them in for that McMan­sion with a 3-car garage of gen­er­a­tions past.

Less is where it’s at, and I’m here to help you get there.

- Amy